Have You Heard the Calling To Connect With The Spirit Of Cacao?

Discover the Magic of Cacao A Sacred Journey into the Heart

Have you ever felt a gentle whisper or a deep curiosity calling you to connect with the spirit of Cacao? In the Nahuatl language, Cacao means ‘bitter drink,’ but its essence goes far beyond taste.

Cacao, a sacred heart-opening plant medicine, holds the key to a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and the spirit world. It's a conduit that helps us make peace with the past, stay grounded in the present, and align with a heart-centered future.

Why Cacao? Most indigenous communities in South America see Cacao as possessing a feminine spirit—motherly and gentle. When we intentionally drink her, we open ourselves to a flow of unconditional love, gaining new perspectives and insights hidden by past wounds.

What's a Cacao Ceremony? Imagine a modern twist on ancient sacred rituals. Cacao Ceremonies honor nature's elements, cardinal directions, and the spirit of Pachamama. In a circle, surrounded by candles and natural tokens, we connect with like-minded souls, raising our collective vibration.

Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao:

  • Increases blood flow by up to 30%, nourishing vital systems.

  • Contains theobromine, acting as both a stimulant and muscle relaxer.

  • Embraces Phenylethylamine, the love chemical.

  • Releases anandamide, the bliss chemical and natural antidepressant.

  • Rich in magnesium and essential minerals for brain function.

Sharing the Heart Medicine: Join me in a journey of happiness and grounding. In a Cacao Ceremony, we let go of what no longer serves us, embracing vitality through sound, movement, laughter and even tears.

Caution and Respect: While Cacao is a powerful ally, it demands respect. Unlike ordinary chocolate, ceremonial Cacao is potent. It gently opens layers of consciousness, reconnecting the disconnected. Approach with care, and remember, it's not a psychedelic journey but a loving exploration.

Ready to Experience the Heart of Cacao? I look forward to sharing this beautiful medicine of the heart with you. Send me a message below if you’d like a private or group ceremony and I’ll be happy to share her magic!

Contraindications: Cacao's potency requires mindfulness. Avoid ceremonial doses if you're on antidepressants, have a serious heart condition, high blood pressure, or epilepsy. Pregnant women should take smaller amounts. Keep the sacred flow—stay hydrated. Dogs and animals, enchanting as they are, should steer clear of any kind of chocolate including cacao.