“Some Doors Only Open From The Inside. Our Breath Is A Way Of Accessing That Door”

The way we breathe has a huge impact on who we are and how we show up in the world

By bringing awareness to the breath, we reconnect to ourselves and the people around us.

It’s the bridge between our conscious and subconscious minds and one of the most powerful tools to tap into the body’s innate capacitity to heal. It’s a channel for awakening, personal growth, and transformation.

Breathwork allows us to journey into our internal space, it shows us that we have the capacity, strength, and power to be with whatever challenges we are facing, by holding and supporting ourselves instead of disconnecting and abandoning ourselves. By connecting back home to ourselves, to the body, and to the heart, we can begin to trust in our inner compass and inner guide, knowing that we have the resources for healing deep within.

Breathwork shows us that we do not have to search beyond ourselves for answers, healing, or support, it empowers us to look into the depths of ourselves. Our breath is medicine, it’s healing, and it is always available.