Dancing with the Medicine Wheel

Marjolein's Transformative Path to Awakening and Renewal

When I first met Marjolein during an online shamanic breathwork journey, her beaming smile and beautiful energy greeted me with a spirit that radiated straight through the screen. it was such a profound moment — her presence is like a vibrant life force that ignites the soul.

Meeting her in person at a yoga and breathwork festival last year confirmed this even more powerfully, and it’s clear that anyone who meets Marjolein feels exactly the same.  It was here that I instinctively knew I had to attend one of her retreats in Spain.

A few weeks ago, that happened and I have just returned from an incredible six days walking the shamanic medicine wheel with Marjolein and five other amazing women. The experience was challenging, beautiful, fun, and filled with moments of infectious laughter and emotional releases. I left feeling like a renewed and upgraded version of myself.

It's really awe-inspiring to consider how the Snake, Jaguar, Hummingbird, and Eagle — powerful animals in Andean Shamanism —can profoundly influence the direction of our paths.

Under Marjolein's expert guidance, the journey felt deeply supportive and transformative. Sometimes, wading knee-deep through life’s challenges brings a renewed appreciation for its beauty. As the saying goes, "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger," and walking the medicine wheel embodies this truth perfectly.

So, who is Marjolein, the founder of Blissfinderz?

Marjolein’s story began in the Netherlands, where she was born and raised. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a vet, fuelled by her deep love for animals. Instead, she found joy in writing stories about animals with her best friend, sparking a lifelong passion for storytelling. Though she didn’t become a vet, her love for animals never waned. She developed a profound connection with wildlife, finding beauty and lessons in every creature, from snakes to spiders. "The biggest messages always come through animals," she often says, finding her own unique way of integrating this belief into the practices she offers.

Her own journey of self-discovery began with a burnout. Seeking healing, she travelled then moved to Ibiza, where she discovered meditation and mindfulness techniques. The right teachers appeared at the right time, guiding her towards an online sacred womb work course. This journey helped Marjolein recognise her role as a healer, embracing her calling to work with energy and help others through similar processes.

In true Marjolein style, her shamanic journey began with a serendipitous encounter. After expressing a desire to experience a sweat lodge, the same afternoon she discovered that her son's friend’s godmother hosted sweat lodges and other shamanic practices. This chance (or not so chance) meeting led Marjolein to dive deep into shamanism, marking a significant turning point and catalysing profound personal and professional changes. During this time, she also pursued a Breathwork Teacher Training, finding breathwork to be a powerful, natural healing tool.

A pivotal moment in Marjolein's journey occurred during a guided shamanic journey connecting with a benevolent ancestor. In a vivid vision, her ancestor handed her a cup of ayahuasca, a plant medicine. Although puzzled at first, Marjolein understood that she was meant to serve this medicine. Ayahuasca began appearing in her dreams and sessions, guiding her towards sharing this medicine with others.  She does not copy the way others serve it but has been shown her own unique way of sharing this beautiful medicine, of which I am hoping to experience in October this year.

Marjolein believes in the power of self-healing and she really encourages others to become their own healer. She empowers women to awaken the medicines within themselves, emphasising that while she facilitates healing, she is not the healer.

I love that a unique aspect of her retreats is the focus of integration, offering ongoing support to help incorporate the profound experiences into everyday life.

Outside her shamanic practices, Marjolein loves to laugh - a lot (especially at herself) and finds joy in many different things including family, friends, music and cooking.

She has a  lifelong passion for music, kindled by childhood piano lessons and continues to thrive as she learns the guitar with Django a local teacher.

Cooking blends her love for healthy, delicious food with her creativity and her upcoming book, "The Naughty Mango and the Happy Cucumber," currently being created with her friend Dieke (who we met last week), reflects this playful approach to cooking. (More about this coming soon!)

I think Marjolein's journey is a testament to the power of following one's passions and embracing unexpected paths. Her dedication to healing, whether through shamanic ceremonies, plant medicines or everyday joys like music and cooking, inspires others to find their unique paths to fulfilment.

You can connect with Marjolein at:

Instagram    @blissfinderz

