Breathwork has become a focal point in the realm of well-being, offering a gateway to profound transformation

What is Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB)?

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a specific form of breathing that serves as a conduit to unlocking stagnant emotions lodged inside your body, remnants of past experiences, tension and traumas.

Many of the challenges and patterns in our lives often trace back to these trapped emotions. CCB provides a pathway to shift from the constant chatter of our thinking mind to a profound connection with our bodies. Through intentional breathing, emotions rise to the surface, ready to be fully felt and released.

What Can You Expect in a CCB Session?

Your session will start with guidance on the breathing technique, what to anticipate, and the support system in place for you. The breathwork itself typically lasts for around 30-45 minutes, accompanied by carefully curated music that enhances your breathing experience.

Sensations you might experience:

  • Physical sensations: Tingling, numbness, stiffness and shaking.  Your body may become extremely hot or cold.  Your hands or feet may claw (tetnay) and you may get a dry mouth

  • Emotional releases: Tears, anger, laughter, t’s just your body getting rid of repressed emotions, let the emotions flow.  If you want to cry shout, laugh or even sing, you will feel so good for doing this.

  • Mental shifts: You may have memories from childhood or from past lives (if you believe in that).  You may gain clarity on a project or how you want to live your future life.

Breathwork is powerful and what needs to come to the surface in a session will find it’s way out.

Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Benefits:


  • Reduces stress

  • Releases stuck energy

  • Feel at peace with yourself

  • Increases creativity


  • Quieter mind

  • Reduces stress

  • Helps regulate the nervous system

  • Improves clarity and focus


  • Stronger immune system

  • Releases toxins

  • Increases energy

  • Improves sleep

  • Improves endurance performance and muscle recovery


  • Connected to your intuition

  • Gain new insights

  • See your life from a different perspective

  • Feel more love for yourself and others

Contraindications - Your Safety is Priority:


While breathwork is a powerful tool, it might not be suitable for everyone, especially for those dealing with chronic conditions.

It is not advised for persons with epilepsy, detached retina, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases (including prior heart attack), mental disorders (manic disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), paranoia, psychotic episodes, depersonalisation, etc.), strokes, TIA´s, seizures or other brain/neurological conditions, a history of aneurysms in the immediate family, use of prescription blood thinners, hospitalised for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the past 10 years, physical injuries that are not fully healed, acute somatic and viral diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD-II and COPD-III), chronic diseases with symptoms of decompensation or terminal illness, individual intolerance of oxygen insufficiency, cancer and Low Impulse Control.


Your safety is paramount, and the breathwork journey is a personal one. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

Pre breathwork preparations:

  • Avoid drugs and alcohol for a full 24 hours before your session

  • Eat a light meal 2 - 3 hours before your session

  • Wear comfortable loose clothing that wont constrict you

  • Drink enough  water before and after your session to help the release of physical and emotional toxins. 

  • Arrive with an open mind and and just be willing to surrender

Setting up for your breathwork experience: (If this is online)

  • Be in a quiet, undisturbed space

  • Lie flat on a yoga mat or bed (no high pillow under your head, keep your airways nice & open)

  • Earphones or headphones allow you to have a deeper experience

  • A blanket, eye mask, under knee bolster, water, journal

The Magic of a CCB Journey:

The benefits ripple across your entire being. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you unlock new levels of balance, peace, and self-awareness. From muscle tension release to emotional liberation, CCB aligns your energies and opens doors to transformation. Trust the process and remember that breathwork is a safe and transformative practice where you are always in control and will unfold exactly as you need to on the day.